dominant ovarian follicle中文什么意思

发音:   用"dominant ovarian follicle"造句
  • dominant:    adj. 1.支配的,统治的;有权威 ...
  • ovarian:    adj. 【解剖学】卵巢的;【植物; ...
  • follicle:    n. 1.【解剖学】(小)囊,滤泡, ...
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  1. In the follicular phase , a dominant ovarian follicle which is a sack that contains the ova , or egg grows , becoming ready to ovulate
    在卵泡期follicular phase内,一个占优势的卵泡就像一个装着卵子的大口袋准备好将要排卵。
  2. Havlieek ' s team found that facial images of women in the follicular phase when the dominant ovarian follicle is getting ready to ovulate are considered more attractive as compared to images taken in the luteal or fertile phase of the cycle


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